New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Several issues in 1.8 or I am really missing something.

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #116526
    Post count: 181

    I have come to use several elements that had not played around before and unfortunately I am facing some serious issues so I need your help.

    Here is the drill:

    1) The Testimonials Carousel & Team Element present eratic behavior in Page Builder – can’t set them to 1/3 and when adjusting

    their width, the numbers (1/2, 1/4, etc) are crazy random. I.e. while it is 1/4 it displays 1/1 or 1/2 etc/

    2) The Team element does not display the widget title when set to display 1 item. Yet, there is not much point ot displaying 1 item only (one person) since the minimum number of columns can only be set to 2. It would be very useful to be able to set it to 1 and display only one person. I.e. display “related people” to a service, such as the person in charge, a director, etc.

    I know the element says “Team” but there is no “Single Person” element either so it makes much more sense to just add the option to display 1 column in this element rather than creating yet another element for the few that might need it. In my case I need it and have to resort to another plugin (which has caused me headaches). Just consider allowing single column display.

    3) The Gallery Element “Does Not” display the widget title when set to Masonry. The title displays when set to slider.
    In fact, the title is “output” but it lies behind the images. I found it with firebug.

    4) The Portfolio page template messes up my Menu at the header badly. I am using Ubermenu and it displays perfect everywhere except on portfolio detail pages. I.e. on every item portfolio page which renders this custom post type useless in my case. As a workaround I am thinking of using the “Team” custom post type which is simpler template (no reated articles etc at the bottom) and I can build the layout I wish using the Page Builder. However, this is unorthodox to submit projects under the Team Custom post type.

    Obviously there is something different with the Portfolio page template compared to the other custom post type templates since the problem only occurs there. If there is “no fix” I might have to resort into using the normal “posts” for projects but as the numbers add up they will become cluttered. A separate post type is a much better option.

    5) Is there an option, NOT to display the featured image on the “Detail Page” of the Team Custom Pos or other custom posts for that mattert? I build my own layout so right now I have to resort into not using the featured image which causes other issues in widgets or other plugins that might need it.

    Any help at your earliest convenience would be greatly appreciated.

    P.S. I tried disabling the usual suspect plugins but this is not caused by any of them and same thing happens to a localhost install.

    Post count: 181
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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) That’s odd, will get Ed to check this

    2) Will see if we can add this in the next update. A solution would be to use the single image asset and a text box below

    3) Which page is this on so I can check?

    4) It would help if you let us know what you mean by the header messes up on portfolio pages

    5) For team members there is no option to hide the featured image, however on posts and portfolio there is, just go to the meta settings

    – Kyle

    Post count: 181

    Thanks for the reply

    1) I will leave the access for the login details active so you can check.

    2) I will resort to something like this. Not a deal breaker since I want a custom layout anyway.

    3) Go to Protfolio from admin panel and choose to view any of the “dummy” projects I have put in there. For example check “SAAP”. Just “view” the project and when on its own page try to use the main menu at the top. You will notice that a lot of menu items are misaligned especially under the “services” and “contact us” sections. Compare the menu to any other normal page and you will see what I mean. It is a whole lot of work to fix it through CSS for each project page since the menu is heavily customized site wide (not using the themes menu).

    As I said it only happens with the “Portfolio” custom post types. All other play fine.

    Is there a downside, apart from cluttering, in using the normal posts for creating my projects? This is the most flexible post type and I want my own layout anyway. I thought of creating the appropriate categories under the normal Post Type and put all types of posts there (Team Members, Projects, Clients) using my own format.

    The only issue is that this renders some Page Builder elements (team carousel, portfolio, etc useless) but I could use Master slider for these purposes as I have done already and works fine. Any suggestion?

    Post count: 181

    There is definitely something different on the “Portfolio” page template compared to the other custom post types since I checked again and again and in another installation (local) and it only happens there.

    I even created my own custom post type “Projects” using a plugin and all is fine there too. Please have a look and let me know if this can be remedied since I need to start uploading project files and don’t want to do it in the wrong way or recreate 50+ posts with descriptions in the future. Right now the Protfolio custom post type and all related PB elements can not be used.

    Thanks in advance.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Replicated the page builder width issue – will sort that for the upcoming update!

    Just added some custom css to fix your menu issue, this was the css:

    .ubermenu-item .container {
        max-width: 100%;


    – Ed

    Post count: 181

    Nice that you managed to replicate the PB issue so this is sorted then.

    Regarding the menu, it fixed a major part of the issue but the sf-buttons are still not aligned properly in About Us, Projects & Contact Us menu sections. They tend to stick to the right side of their container leaving a larger gap on the left.

    Yet, under the contact us section the “brown squares” have are also different (the middle one is shorter). I am sorry but I can’t find what is causing this to correct it on my own.

    To see what I am talking about you need to open both a portfolio custom post type (i.e. the SAAP and a normal site page and compare the menus to see what I am talking about.

    However, what is still puzzling me is why this happens ONLY on the Portfolio custom post types and nowhere else on the site (i.e. on pages or any other custom post type).
    I dug through the theme files and page templates in hope of spotting something but I don’t posses the knowledge in this field to identify the issue. Nonetheless, something changes with these posts and is causing the menu issues.

    Please check it out for one more time so I can conclude on whether the Portfolio posts are going to be used or not.

    Thank you for your efforts and your great support!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    For some reason there is extra code in the menu on the post type (bootstrap container class).

    If you change the above code to this:

    .ubermenu-item .container {
    max-width: 100%;
    padding: 0;

    That will sort it 🙂

    – Ed

    Post count: 181

    So simple yet so effective! This final addition fixed everything.
    This goes to show that I still have a lot to learn even after managing more than 1,000 lines of CSS through self-teaching myself.

    Again, thanks for the great support!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Thanks Ed

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