New Landing How can we help? Atelier Serious layout bugs after Swift and Atelier updates + translation issue

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #295336
    Post count: 24


    I updated the Swift Framework to 2.5.15 and Atelier to 2.4.11. My site now has a few bugs that were caused by this:

    1. Builder rows don’t have spacing between them, e.g. There were margins by default between the “Simply More Than a Shop” heading to the slider above and products below.

    2. – image wasn’t 100% of it’s container, and it was center and the text was white. Something in the updated caused this to break.

    3. Map on contact us page – is now skewed to the right. It was centered.

    I didn’t touch the CSS – this definitely broke after the updates.

    Another thing – I can’t translate the “VIEW ALL PRODUCTS” in the products widget. It’s not in the PO file. I’m translating it now via JS… please fix.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You have removed the margin via your custom CSS?

    2) The image is within a full width column, so it will stretch. Add a login so I can take a closer look.

    3) The Row for you map is set to fullwidth, this should not be – it should be contained? Add a login so I can take a closer look.

    4) To translate that, the translation is within the plugin /swift-framework/languages/

    Post count: 24

    Issues 1, 2 and 3 have started only after updating the Swift Framework.

    1) – I set the margin of the h1 tag to 0, but there should be spacing between the rows (section tags with fw-row class). You can see that rows on the homepage (the recent products, 3 images and brand logos) are all very close to one another, without any spacing. There use to be default spacing between the rows.

    2) – this wasn’t like this before the update. The image was it’s natural size, and the text was center. The layout messed up after updating. There’s something wrong with the framework for sure – I can’t set row to be hidden on desktop. Also, check out the strange horizontal scroll bar on the page ( Again, this wasn’t there before the update.

    3) – I want the map to be full width, and it was fine before the update. After updating the map moved to the right.

    4) – I translated it in the PO file, and put the PO and MO file in both /wp-content/plugins/swift-framework/languages and /wp-content/languages/plugins directories. But… the translation doesn’t show on the website. Have a look on the homepage

    Login details are in the private reply following this one.

    Post count: 24
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Please set a Vertical Margin for the Row:

    2) If you use a Blank Spacer, you can adjust the image. The image will fill the area.

    3) I have fixed this, assets need to be within a Row set to Fullwidth Stretched now.

    4) The Swift Framework .po & .mo files need to be within /wp-content/plugins/swift-framework/languages. Have you checked the strings are not marked as fuzzy? Please link me to a dropbox folder with your .po file so I can check if you still experience issues. Please also read over this:


    Post count: 24

    I’m sorry, but bugs fixes 1-3 aren’t satisfactory. Up until the last two updates of the Swift framework, everything was fine without the suggested fixes. Updates to themes/plugins should break layout design.

    1) The disappearance of the vertical margin for the row is something new, and is not confined to just the homepage. I have built other pages that also have the same bug. I don’t think I should go over every page and add a vertical margin – this definitely broke because of some issue between the Swift update and the Atelier update.

    2) Same comment from 1).

    3) You fixed the map, but there’s still a horizontal scrollbar. Please don’t tell me to hide it using CSS (overflow-x: hidden;) because this is a bug in the theme. You can see the horizontal scrollbar on this page as well:
    The scrollbar wasn’t there before the update.

    Please take a look at these pages:
    They all have a full width section at the top of the page. All have a horizontal scrollbar since the update. This is not a coincidence – you missed something in the update that concerns these elements.

    Please give me links to download the Swift framework and Atelier theme 2 versions back. I’ll update you when I downgrade so you can have a look and maybe find the issues you missed in the update.

    4) You can download the PO file directly from the plugin directory:
    The translation should be separate from the plugin directory in order for it to be update-proof. There’s a designated directory for that: /wp-content/languages/plugins

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1,2) This was a large update which was needed to improve the PB going forward. Some elements will indeed need adjusting, happy to help you of course.

    3) Can you provide a screenshot, I do not see a scrollbar you mention?

    4) Sure, have you actually translated the string? I need the working .po file you are experiencing issues with.


    Post count: 24

    1) + 2) Please tell me which elements need fixing, so I’ll go over the site and fix. The fact that the update broke the design of some elements, makes me look unprofessional in the eyes of my client when he finds bugs before me.

    3) Pages with full width rows at the top of the page have a horizontal scrollbar. I think it’s a bug in the menu. Here are two examples, with links to screenshots.
    Page link:
    Screenshot link:

    Page link:
    Screenshot link:

    4) The text is translated in Hebrew so the text is shown on the right (it’s an RTL language). Here’s a screenshot of the PO file in POEdit:

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1,2) Only the Rows that appear to have lost their default margin spacing. Initially it seems the Row I changed seems to be the only one that needed to be updated.

    3) This has been fixed. For me:

    4) Your Google doc images are not loading, I see this:

    Post count: 24

    1, 2) Thanks. Not only the one you change, I went over some more that needed the addition of a vertical margin.

    3) Fixed for me as well. Thank you!

    4) You must be using the wrong link if that what you see. It’s supposed to be a screenshot of the PO file in POEdit. Here’s the link again:

    You’re seeing the text translated on the front-end because I did a “hacky” translation with JS. It’s a production site, so I need the text to be seen in the right language.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    4) If you can add your FTP details, I look further into this. Can you also remove your modification so I can see the bug also.

    Post count: 24
    This reply has been marked as private.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The translation in the file swift-framework-plugin-he_IL.po was not present.

    If I add a new string, then re-save and re-compile a .mo file and upload both to plugins/swift-framework/languages it works:

    Have you tested moving both swift-framework-plugin-he_IL.po and to wp-content/languages/?


    Post count: 24

    Thanks, finally “VIEW ALL PRODUCTS” is translated. I don’t know what the issue was because the PO was saved all the time…

    How do I translate the “product” (or “products”) text in the mobile view? Screenshot here:

    Moving both swift-framework-plugin-he_IL.po and to wp-content/languages/ does not work.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    When you edit and re-save the .po file, you must re-compile the .mo file and re-upload that also.

    You need to add your missing translations, search in the .po file for those English strings:

    I’ll report the plugin language file back to the team and see if we can get that to load via wp-content/languages/


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