New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Separate Registration and Login Pages (Woocommerce)

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  • #169426
    Post count: 29

    Hi all,

    I finally figured out the code to have separate registration and login pages via individual links in the header.

    You will need to edit 2 files in your child theme: functions.php and form-login.php
    I have attached txt files for the code

    functions.php: You want to create a register link in the header that links to the login page but also sets an action indicating you have clicked register.
    So this:
    $aux_links_output .= ‘

  • ‘. __(“Login”, “swiftframework”) .’‘. “\n”;
    becomes this:
    $aux_links_output .= ‘
  • ‘. __(“Login”, “swiftframework”) .’‘. “\n”;
    $aux_links_output .= ‘
  • ‘. __(“Register”, “swiftframework”) .’‘. “\n”;

    form-login.php Code:
    Here you want to create an if,else statement. If you clicked register then goto register page, else goto login page:
    <?php if( isset( $_GET[‘action’]) && $_GET[‘action’] == “register”) : ?>
    Section for registration
    <?php else : ?>
    Section for Login form
    <?php endif; ?>

    Be careful of the wrappings


  • Attachments:
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
Post count: 25779


Thanks for sharing your solution.


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