New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Sentence structure issue with French translation

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  • #43174
    Post count: 39

    Dear support Team,

    Different languages can have different sentence structures. There are, for instance, two strings that cannot be properly translated into French (and possibly all Romance languages) within Neighborhood theme.

    1. “items”, which is inserted at the end of the “Personal Shopper” sentence when using the price range field. The French equivalent should be inserted before the price range. A workaround so far is to leave this translated field blank. Another option would be to remove the relevant code and leave users build whatever sentence they like with the Theme Options

    2. “ago”, probably inserted somewhere after a time duration. This French equivalent should also be inserted before time duration. This translated string cannot be left blank or basically, that doesn’t mean anything. An option would be to merge the two “time duration” and “ago” fields in one and to leave users translate it as they like with Poedit

    Also, French is quite an “expanding” language (you need several words to say the same as English does with one) –be prepared to get css styling requests!

    Best wishes,

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Ah, that makes sense – thank you for letting us know, I will forward this to the developer, maybe he can make the structure more flexible.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Thanks for the feedback, we’ll see what we can do to implement these into an update!

    – Ed

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