Sorry for a late response. It can be changed using the .po file, If that didn’t find that text in .po file, you can create a .po file using the text-domain “swift-framework-admin” ( http://codex.wordpress.org/User:Skippy/Creating_POT_Files )
or if you like directly edit the file open up \wp-content\themes\dante\swift-framework\custom-post-types\portfolio-type.php and in line #39
'name' => _x('Portfolio', 'post type general name', "swift-framework-admin"),
Change that Portfolio to Courses.
2. You can add a text to that, open up \wp-content\themes\dante\includes\sf-header.php and add it to the “HERE” place here http://take.ms/NYD2F on their respective lines.
Let me know, what you got.