New Landing How can we help? Atelier Search only by "Title"

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #278444
    Post count: 13


    I want the results of the Ajax Search to show only the matchs with the title (products or posts)

    Right now the result shows all articles or products with the word in the content too.

    How can I do this?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    At the moment the only option we have is this one:

    Located in the Header options. Hope it helps.


    Post count: 13

    No, it’s not what I was looking for, right know I use the All Option here.

    But I need to search only on the titles, not in the content, when i search for a word, example “black ships”, the result has to show only the products or articles with “black ships” on the title, not all the posts with the word on the content.

    Is there some hook I can apply on the code?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    I understand now, you can try to use this plugin, it’s the best search plugin I know.

    Relevanssi – A Better Search


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