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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #166547
    Post count: 144

    Awesome Rui, thanks very kindly for the fixes. My very last small issue (and I have a feeling it shouldn’t be difficult to fix) is on this page:

    There’s a gallery on the bottom of the page that’s meant to show the names of characters as you hover over them. This used to put the red overlay similar to the articles, but at the moment, hovering over a character only places white text over the boxes. As you can see, it’s near impossible to see. For galleries in specific, is it possible to bring back the red overlay on just those items?

    Many thanks again, this has been a huge help.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Try this one I left it a bit transparent to see the figure.
    If you don’t like just change the value of the background color

    .gallery-item figure.animated-overlay figcaption {
      background-color: rgba(208, 59, 59, 0.69)!important;


    Post count: 144

    Beautiful, many thanks again for solving all of my problems.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks for the kind words.

    Post count: 144

    Hi again, sorry for the trouble, but once the last changes were made, I noticed some quick things popping up again:

    1. At, the page seems to load a lot longer than usual. I’ve had another person tell me it glitches up their Chrome browser. Once the page finally loads, the audio clips in the middle of the page has some strange CSS issues, where the progress bar is shown below the actual player.

    2. On single post pages and the home page, there’s always a column of 4 articles for related posts and newest posts (respectively), and while their containers all line up together nicely, the images inside aren’t being shown at 100% width. They’re being cropped on the edge, meaning the text I’m putting in the corner of the images are getting cut off. Even if I have to reduce the number of articles in the column to 3, is there a way to show these containers at 100% image width?

    Thanks again as always!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    1) The changes we suggest previously would affect the performance in this way. You are loading lots of content. Did you installed any plugin recently?

    2)that’s because the images are too wide and with a small height, that to place them in a square format they will crop. Try to add a different and squared featured image to one post to give it a try.


    Post count: 144

    Hi Rui,

    1) No, I haven’t installed any plugins since we made the new changes. The only change I have made is updating Cardinal to the newest version. Not sure what’s causing the problem overall, it used to load the data at a reasonable rate. Also, any idea on why the audio files on this page have visual errors, like the loading/progress bar appearing outside of their containers?

    2) Fair enough, I recall having this issue and Kyle helped me with it. I don’t know why it reverted back (maybe from upgrading it reverted the code back), but there was a solution that worked. I’ll dig around for it in my replies.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Apologize for the late reply. I’m not sure about the performance of the page loading in your blog posts.

    Will forward to our head developer to see what he thinks about it.



    Post count: 144

    Hi Rui, thanks for looking into it. The problem is still persisting and some of my most popular posts aren’t loading for visitors.

    I’m also still needing resolution on these issues:

    1) All audio player embeds on the site have broken CSS, with the total time display and progress bar displayed incorrectly. Example post:

    2) I tried to adjust the sf-post-formats.php in the swift-framework/content folder. I can no longer find this line that Kyle recommended switching a few months back:

    $image = sf_aq_resize( $thumb_img_url, 420, 315, true, false );
    changed to
    $image = sf_aq_resize( $thumb_img_url, 420, null, true, false );

    This solved my cropped thumbnail issue back then, but now the issue is back and I can’t find this line anywhere.

    Thanks as always, appreciate the help.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @HiroiSekai

    This is likely your issue –!/FgXUI/

    Your page size is 14Mb. This is huge – and it’s likely that some user’s browsers are locking up because of it. I wouldn’t recommend a page size of over 2-3Mb. You might need some lazy load functionality for this, or caching such as CloudFlare.

    1) Try this css:

    .mejs-controls > div:last-of-type {
    	position: relative;
    	clear: both;
    	float: right!important;
    	top: -26px;
    .mejs-controls a.mejs-horizontal-volume-slider {
    	float: right;
    	top: -28px;

    2) It’s in /swift-framework/content/ line 1009. I’m changing for the next update to have the height be filterable:

    $thumb_height = apply_filters('sf_recent_post_item_thumb_height', 270);

    So you can override this in a child theme.

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

    Post count: 144

    Hi Ed,

    Thank you kindly for the assistance. I always have run CloudFlare and even big posts like this wouldn’t get stuck until now. For some strange reason though, CloudFlare must have stopped working after the recent Cardinal update. I visited the CloudFlare plugin settings page, and for whatever reason that has it running again.

    The audio player controls are back in their positions too, thank you for the helpful CSS. The only thing remaining is the $thumb_height line: on line 1009 I see:

    $image = sf_aq_resize($thumb_img_url, 420, 315, true, false);

    Should this be replaced by the $thumb_height line you provided? Should it be added before or after? Plus, I’m guessing that the 270 height in the code needs to be changed? I tried both 270 and null here, but saw no changes. Sorry to bother you, but I’d like to ask about just this part again. The rest is working beautifully.

    Many thanks!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Glad you sorted it.

    You should just update that line directly, until you change to the next version which will add the filter. It’s showing as 270px height for me though, so are you sure you are looking in the right place?

    – Ed

    Post count: 144
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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Happy to help!

    – Ed

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