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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #162409
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    1) Can you check the admin credentials? can’t login.

    Try this css

    figure.animated-overlay figcaption{

    3) Where exactly are you clicking? can you provide screenshot.



    Post count: 144

    Hi Rui,

    I don’t believe #1 needs admin access, I asked a similar question applying to the same thing before on a thumbnail on the home page and it ended up being a one-line PHP switch to the post-formats.php file. Problem is, I can’t find the exact line these related images apply to, as there are over 1000 lines of code in that file alone.

    For #2, the CSS unfortunately did not work, the enlarging effect still occurs on hover and I can still see the arrow overlay. The only difference is that the arrow overlay doesn’t fade in anymore and just appears.

    To demonstrate what I mean by related images and comments, I attached a screenshot. 1 points to the related image- as you can see, it doesn’t show the full image, but a version that is cropped on the edges. I’d like the entire image to show up. 2 points to the comments button I’m clicking. As you can see in this case, there’s no option to post a comment or to see the comments at all. The example shows 0 comments, but I’ve tried clicking this on articles with comments and all it does is a tiny slide animation upwards and doesn’t reveal anything new.

    Appreciate the help as always.

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) This looks like it’s powered by a plugin? The image is being pulled in like that, the theme is not cropping it –

    2) You have .article-extras hidden, this is where the comments form is. To just hide related, change to this custom css:

    .article-extras .related-wrap {
    display: none;

    – Ed

    Post count: 144

    Hi Ed, thank you for your response.

    1) The only plugins I have are Akismet, Cloudflare, Jetpack, WordPress Importer, WordPress SEO and WP Super Cache. Are any of these perhaps affecting the related images and not displaying them at 100% without cropping?

    2) This worked perfectly, the comments are back. Many thanks!

    I also had the issue with all of the images on the home page and Blog page having an unwanted hover effect that zoom enlarges the image and fades in an arrow symbol. Is there a setting to remove these effects?

    Many thanks.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Try to disable those plugins and clear the cache.


    Post count: 144

    Hi Rui,

    I found out that the Jetpack plugin has a related posts option, and that was what was generating the external related section. I have turned off that option in Jetpack and would like to replace them with the standard Cardinal related posts. I have deleted the CSS that was hiding the Cardinal related section, and also turned on the “Show Related Articles” in the theme options, but still see nothing. Is there something else I need to alter to make them appear?

    On top of that, my issue with the animated enlarging and overlay on the home and blog pages is still unresolved. I would like these effects turned off and for just the white text area to turn red when I hover over them.

    Many thanks.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Will need admin access to your settings and your css. I have one user sent by email but don’t work.

    can you send it in a private reply.


    Post count: 144
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I’m afraid i can’t login with those credentials.
    Can you check them again?


    Post count: 144
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    now I manage to login, but realize that somehow was a cache issue with the login.
    Will check


    Post count: 144

    Hi Rui,

    That’s good to hear, thanks. I hope the remaining few issues can be resolved.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The problem is that the posts where created when that theme option was turned off.
    Now they need to be update manually.

    I did it in this post

    You can use the plugin below to do a bulk update on that field sf_related_articles

    Custom Field Bulk Editor


    Post count: 144

    Ooh, that’s unfortunate, it sounds like a bit of a pain doing it for over 200 articles.

    Regardless, it’s a fix, and I thank you for it. I do have to go through and clean up the formatting, SEO and imagery of a number of posts anyways, so this is a good chance to get all of them done at once.

    I still don’t have a resolution to the hover issue though. The images on the home and articles pages will show an expanding animation that I don’t want. On top of that, hovering over any article shows an arrow symbol that I also don’t want shown. I do want the red colour change over the text to still occur though.

    Thanks again.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    I added the css below to your custom css option.

    It seems fine now.

    figcaption .thumb-info-alt>i {
      display: none;
    figure.animated-overlay:hover>img {
      -webkit-transform: scale(1.0)!important;
      -moz-transform: scale(1.0)!important;
      -ms-transform: scale(1.0)!important;
      -o-transform: scale(1.0)!important;
      transform: scale(1.0)!important;


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