New Landing › How can we help? › Cardinal › Scroll Down indicator missing after 1.9 Update
Dear Support Team,
the Scroll Down indicator on the swift slider is missing after the update to 1.9
In 1.8 the button was shown even if set to not display, now it is always hidden, even if set to show.
Kind regards Simon
Please can you provide your link so I can check?
– Kyle
here the scroll down indicator should appear.
kind regards Simon
Have you tried turning it off, saving and then turning back on?
Yes, that was the first thing I tried.
Please provide me with a logins o I can try and sort it for you
Just checked this on my demo, also doesn’t work. I will let the developer know about this.
Thanks Kyle
I am experiencing this problem as well. is my site.
Will be release later today a new Cardinal Version that will fix this issue. Check in Appearance-> Themes -> Cardinal -> Details
I appreciate it .
When you say later today, it is currently 5pm EST. Is this going to be a midnight release?
Hi @zimagear
Sorry for the confusion – that issue was actually fixed in v1.91. If you are using that version, just check to ensure you have the Continue option enabled in the meta options for the page (where you set it to include the slider on the page).
– Ed
I have done so and it still does not appear.
You have the slider set to “Slider” type – the continue button only shows with Curtain type.
I understand.
So there is no way to have a horizontal slider + the continue button? See for an example.
Also, is there a way to get the styling of the button to be light. The current is dark and doesn’t work on dark bgs.
Thank you.
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