New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Sale Ribbons not showing on product category page

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  • #120718
    Post count: 4


    I’m having difficulty getting the sale ribbons to appear. They work fine on the individual product pages when an item is set to a sale price, but the sale banner/price does not show up for the same product in the category page see here: … on this page a number of t-shirts are on sale (Pursuit, Sprint, Whistler, & Alaska) but no ribbons or updated price is visible. When you click on one of the tees to view to product page, only then do you find out it is on sale.

    The further oddity to this is, when I am logged in to wordpress for this site, the sale ribbons do appear in all the right places, but obviously a customer would not benefit from this.

    I’m nervous about updating the theme or woocommerce as we have made a number of amendments to both.

    You help would be most gratefully received.

    Thanks in advance

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid we can only support issues with latest versions, your using a really old version so you are likely to come across issues like this. You should make your changes in a child theme, and anything that can’t be made in the child theme you should write down so you can make the changes again once you update the theme

    – Kyle

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