When enabling right to left mode, it affects the page layout but not the items in it. For exapmle: the products and the portfolio item remain in left-to-right paragraphs
Is there an option to combine the two options? I mean – I have a site in 2 languages, one in RTL and one LTR. But enabling RTL forces all pages of the site to go RTL
How to add a text direction button to the text editor?
RTL will only be enabled for RTL languages, the other languages should remain LTR. Can you provide a link and login if this is not the case for you so that we can look into it?
Please also see the following product page: </br> product RTL
<p> as you can see, the featured image is not displayed. when turning RTL option off, it displayed.</p>
I have changed it back to RTL. I cannot have both RTL and LRT in the same site, the system doesn’t seem to support this – when enabling RTL it flips all pages regardless to the language.