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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #64857
    Post count: 59

    Hi Ed,


    I think these issues I’, having are with all “row” elements in the page builder:

    1. There appears to be an odd margins around the element
    (a) When at the top of the page I can’t get rid of the space below the menus but above the content – see white space here:
    (b) When at smaller widths (e.g. iPad, mobile) there is a left and right margin appearing – the content does not stay aligned with the margins for the page – see grey space here:

    2. Column elements within the row have no margins when repositioned to 1 column for mobile/iPad – see “boxed content” items at top of this page

    Login to my site will follow as it’s set on holding page at the moment…

    Post count: 59
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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Any page I try to view I get the maintenance page, please make sure you have provided admin access

    – Kyle

    Post count: 59

    Admin access provided, sorry should have said you need to log in first at then all the pages will show.

    Also FYI this is part of a conversation with Ed at ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Logged in, but only editor access provided.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 59

    Duh, sorry Kyle. Sorted.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Fixed ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Kyle

    Post count: 59

    Thanks Kyle,

    1. (a) is fixed – please can you tell me what you did so I can fix other pages? Thanks

    1. (b) still an issue

    2. Still an issue

    Post count: 23

    Got the same space problem with the row element.. can you please provide the fix to the rest of us, thx!

    One more thing: If I add a parallax image to the row element and set it to “Full With Content” and its height to “Window Height”, how can I align any rows content (e.g. text box) to the bottom of the row? I know there’s “Padding – Vertical” but I will have it on the bottom of the row (or Window height / Page). You’re help is highly appreciated!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Paul,

    1a) I’m guessing he either ticked the remove top spacing option in the meta options for the page, or set the row margin to be 0.

    1b) Not seeing this here – can you show me a screenshot?

    2) This is because you have mb0 set on the text block within the row. You’ll want to keep this, but make sure you have the margin for the row set to 0.

    For the buttons here –

    Add an extra class to the asset, “remove-button-spacing” then let’s add this custom class:

    .remove-button-spacing a.sf-button {
    margin-bottom: 0;

    – Ed

    Post count: 59

    Thanks Ed,

    1. (a) Thanks but I’m pretty sure I had already done both of those things. Another example of the problem here. Sorry if I’m missing the obvious:

    1. (b)

    2. Sorry Ed, I can’t seem to grasp your suggestion. It doesn’t seem possible to set the boxed content differently to the row in which it’s contained?

    3. Sorry Ed, this fix for the button bottom margin at doesn’t seem to work

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1a) Somehow you have an empty p tag at the start of your content, not sure how you’ve managed this (potentially returns in the text view of the page editor. Added some css to remove this without any page changes.

    1b) Sorted this for you with some custom css.

    2) Changed this up for you, check what I’ve done.

    3) Did this for you.

    – Ed

    Post count: 59

    Ed, thank you so much, that’s amazing – you’ve nailed it! Your support is incredible and very much appreciated. Thank you! Paul

    Post count: 23

    Hi Ed,

    I’m facing the same empty <p></p> tag problem. Can you please provide the css fix? And might this be a general problem of the row page builder element?


    Post count: 23

    Ok, I fixed it by myself – you have to clear all the content and start building the page from scratch. Don’t know where the <p> tag came from, but maybe this occurs with already created pages where the row element was not available and you want to edit them with this new feature. Good luck!

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