New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Revslider layers disappearing "randomly"

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #175113
    Post count: 45


    I have several slider in Revslider, some came with the theme and some I made it myself.

    The slider came with the theme works fine, as you can see in the homepage.

    One of my creation is working fine as well (

    But I’m facing a very strange problem, some of the slider I made will encounter text/image layers randomly disappeared.

    After refreshing the page, there will be different things go missing, maybe this time the second line, next time the whole content, only the background image always stay put.

    For example:

    Please see the attachment for the admin slider settings screenshots, and you will see that something is truly missing here.

    Here’s what I’ve tried:

    1. Update the revslider plugin (Ver.4.6.93)

    2. Switch all missing layers to different CSS or animation (Default/Dante/Custom)

    3. Deactivated all other plugins to check for conflict

    4. Checked the developer tools in Chrome to see if there’s any error

    5. Turned on Troubleshooting “JQuery No Conflict Mode” and “Put JS Includes To Body” but still no luck.

    6. Using Chrome/Firefox/IE all the same

    Please help me fix whatever is happening here, thanks!

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you try to preview the Rev Slider inside the admin area in the Preview button to see if the same happens?

    Also try to disable all plugins except Rev Slider to discard any possible plugin conflit.


    Post count: 47

    Perhaps this is because you inadvertently clicked the layer to cycle out on a timer. If you click again where there is the little clock on the below, it’ll change back into a – sign and this will solve the problem.

    The problem...

    Post count: 45

    Hi Rui and rlshaw,

    Just like what rlshaw said, changing the timer to a “-” solved the problem that I spent countless hours on!

    Truly grateful to you guys, thanks 🙂


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You most welcome.

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