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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #205656
    Post count: 20

    Good Morning:

    I was having trouble using the parallax and making my header photo fit on the page so I decided to use a revolution slider. I want to link the slider photo to a url that is outside of my website but I did not see where to add the hyperlink.

    Also, do you have instructions somewhere on how to get a page to look like your demo (Specifically, the animated phone that pops up and then the three sections below it).

    I am not sure if this would be directed to you, but do you know the process to get a website email? like [email protected]?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Revolution slider has a setting when your editing a slide to have an external link for the slide

    For the portfolio, we used the page builder to build that portfolio item, and set the ‘Detail Media’ in the post meta options to full width

    – Kyle

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