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I added your css but it came kind of one second and then disappear … I cleared the cache too.
And sometimes blinking, and disappear again
Please add a WP login for us to take a closer look.
Those details are not working, please check and update.
We have tested this on our development version and cannot replicate this issue. – Have you modified any files/css?
You mean ID/PW are not working ?
And I did not modified the css, except the code that you gave me.
issue is still going on mine
Perfect, please amend to:
.browser-safari .sf-icon-box.sf-icon-box-standard.sf-animation.sf-icon-.flipInX.sf-animate { animation-name: none!important; }
Is it the same code than the last one ?
I saw connected to the admin page.
Why is it suddenly working? Did you change something? But it works …
Yes, I added it.
Thanks david
Hi, Great thanks to David. Mohammad
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