New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Responsive/Mobile Issue

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #231113
    Post count: 76


    So, I know we worked on this awhile back, but things seem to have gone a bit haywire with our site from a mobile perspective. Full width images, whether used as Revolution Slider or just as a full width image, don’t scale on our mobile site.

    They either show up huge, and the rest of the site is reduced to a vertical third on a mobile site, or the whole page shows up and the full width image goes off the screen. I’m attaching a couple screenshots.

    Any ideas? I have the responsive design option marked for the site as a whole and in the Revolution Slider.


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    Post count: 76

    Actually, I’m noticing that the full width images are no longer responsive on our website when viewed on a desktop either…
    Help, please 🙂

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Have you made CSS modifications?

    You will want to remove this for your homepage images and inner page headings to work correctly on small screens:

    .full-width {
        margin: 0 -30px!important;
        width: 1000px!important;


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