New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Replace search menu with Predictive search plugin

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  • #18592
    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’d say replace

    in sf-header.php with

    			$menu_full_output .= woo_predictive_search_widget();

    Please note that I did not test that and that the free support cannot take care of individual modifications for you. While we gladly give suggestions, if you need dedicated customization help please consider hiring a dedicated developer.


    Post count: 39

    Thanks, Melanie. That’s getting closer. The only issue now is it moved the search to the left under the main menu. Also, there seems to be a conflict with the native Neighborhood plug-in search page and Predictive Search plug-in search page. It now gives a 404 error.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    I’m afraid if my suggestion doesn’t work we are reaching the borders of the free support.
    We’d love to help you with this customization but we are only able to provide support for basic theme issues and bug fixes. We do provide support for small customizations but unfortunately this request is beyond that. Please see our general policy and guidelines for more info. You could also hire a developer to help you with your customizations.

    Thank you for understanding!

    Post count: 39

    That’s disappointing. It doesn’t make sense to hire a developer for 2 minutes of work. This thread started almost a month ago and could’ve been easily solved if we were just given a clear answer with the small bit of code to find and replace and the correct name of the file to be changed in the beginning.

    In our previous theme, the developers helped with this small bit of code (literally 1 line) and it was helpful for tons of people who purchased their theme.

    Post count: 13

    I second this motion. This little bit of information will help many by cutting down on multitude of man-hours spent looking for the solution. I implore you to look into this.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I will ask another support staff if he wants to take care of that.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hey guys,

    I’ve been assigned to this topic by Mel here and I have to agree with her, there is a need for a custom job here, which is beyond the scope of free theme support (which Mel already exceeded, in my opinion).

    Unfortunately I am not available, so my recommendation is to hire someone from either the ThemeForest forums or – they’re both part of Envato and there are many talented people there.



    Support Assistant

    Post count: 49

    honestly, this would be such a great addition to the theme. a big problem for me is that when somebody searches for a product, there is no “add to cart” button on the results page

    i’m sure that i speak on behalf of all the shop owners that have bought your theme when i say that this would be one of the most important things that would improve our sites.

    Post count: 13

    I wouldn’t consider it a custom job if more than just a few customers are interested in it. Clear instructions on how to integrate this functionality will not only make us happy, it will also solidify your reputation as a company that goes beyond T&C one-liners to provide support after sales, and that is a big plus in my book.

    In fact, it would be better if you provided Predictive Search as a feature in your next update, along with guidelines on how to integrate the Pro version should the customer require so.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Thank you for the feedback & feature request!
    Also, thank you for understanding that we cannot grant this customization.

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