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  • #89181
    Post count: 12


    I edited the setting under woocomerce > settings > products > product/shop archive and changed the page to my “shop” page that is using another method to display the shop (via Essential Grid). Unfortunately, this page turns into a mix of the Woocommerce default store and my own Shop page and I can’t figure out how to remove woocommerce store from being overlayed on top of it. I tried using a blank page to redirect the Woo store into my shop but it is messy and redirects after the store is loaded (php get_header in body of shop page for header-store.php that redirects the header information). As of now I’ve disabled the redirect and am looking for solutions.

    Any suggestions or ideas on how to resolve this issue?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    For your shop page you should leave it blank, then assign it as your shop page in WooCommerce settings, this will import all of your products onto the page. If you want to create a page with the page builder, then don’t assign the page to your shop page

    – Kyle

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