New Landing How can we help? Atelier Remove Social Icons From Product Page

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #173647
    josh monin
    Post count: 11


    Could you please tell me know how to remove Social Icons from the Product Pages.

    I have searched the forums and used the custom css that has been provided for other themes but they do not work for ATELIER.

    Thank you,


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Add this to your custom css:

    .woocommerce div.product div.summary .sf-share-counts {
      display: none;

    – Kyle

    josh monin
    Post count: 11

    Thank you Kyle!

    Also is there a way to delete the bread crumbs above the Product Title?

    I have selected “Remove Breadcrumbs” in the Meta Options but it did not work.

    Thanks again!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Add this:

    .woocommerce-breadcrumb {
      display: none;

    – Kyle

    josh monin
    Post count: 11

    I have a few more questions while I have you.

    1. Can I remove the product accordion/description section below the page builder assets.

    2. On the shop page there is a box at the top with “Showing the single product” and the grid layouts available. Can I remove this whole section?

    Thank you!


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Sure, add this:

    .container.product-after-summary {
      display: none;
    .woo-aux-options-wrap {
      display: none;

    – Kyle

    josh monin
    Post count: 11

    Thank you again Kyle! Awesome customer service!

    Worked perfectly except I need to add some padding/space to the top of the product thumbnail on the shop page now. It hugs tight to the top of the page since the “grid selections” has been removed.

    Also I had another question posted a few hours earlier in another topic.

    “Hi there,

    I set up our variable products with images so that when you select a color it will switch to that variation. That works great! But it seems to replace the image of the first gallery image with the selected variation, so then I can’t actually click the first gallery thumbnail. This means the displayed image is different from the first gallery one, yet I can’t click on it.

    Also, because it seems to just swap the FIRST gallery image with the variation one, if I have any of the other gallery images selected when I choose my color then it doesn’t show the variation one until I go back and click the first thumbnail.”

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Add this:

    .product-main {
      margin-bottom: 40px;

    I will check your other topic shortly

    – Kyle

    josh monin
    Post count: 11

    That code did not add any padding to above the image.

    The image is on the main shop page.

    Thank you in regards to the other topic.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ohh sorry I was thinking of something else

    Add this:

    .products.product-grid {
      margin-top: 30px;

    – Kyle

    josh monin
    Post count: 11

    No worries, works perfect now!

    Thank you for all the help!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok great 🙂 No problem

    Post count: 28

    How can I remove the social share icons from the product zoom image lightbox? Thanks!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-

    display:none !important;


    Post count: 28

    The CSS was working to hide social icons for product page and lightbox, however after I updated theme and WooCommerce, now the icons are appearing again. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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