New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Remove showing of File Name in image overlay

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #94816
    Post count: 1

    Hello! I am very pleased with your beautiful theme. Thank you for that.
    Please let me know a way to disable the showing of file name in image overlay functions. I have a photo gallery, all images are doing the overlay animation with the file names showing, I need for those file names to be invisible. I did disable the overlay color somehow, but can’t seem to find how to disable (or make invisible) the file name showing up.
    Thanks ever so much,
    Lily Guild

    The image attached shows the file name showing in front of the image behind it.
    I need that to NOT happen upon mouseover.

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @lilyguild

    Can you possibly provide a link to the page so that I can check in what situation this is showing?


    – Ed

    Post count: 1

    Yes, thanks so much!
    Here’s the link to the photo page:
    I would like the images to have no mouseover behaviors…no color overlay, no image name popping up, really nothing, just a group of images. Let me know the best way to accomplish this.
    Thank you for getting back to me.
    All the best to you,

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Ahh I see, well you just need to set the “Show Captions” option in the asset to “off”.

    Just add this custom css to remove it:

    .masonry-gallery .gallery-image figure.animated-overlay figcaption {
    display: none!important;

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

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