New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Remove 'RT' from Twitter Social Grid Retweets

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #89160
    Post count: 28

    Hi there,

    Three questions I would much appreciate some help with:

    1. How might go about removing the ‘RT’ for the Tweets in the Social Grid that have been retweeted on Twitter. I would prefer they simply start with the @username. Would be much cleaner for my purposes.

    [As per correspondence with Ed earlier, I look forward to any feedback on how links in Tweets might be directed directly to external sites, instead of back to Twitter every time]

    2. Does the theme allow for pages with completely different colour schemes, including navigation background, footer background etc. Or can these only be set globally and I would have to setup subdomains to achieve this? My testing so far suggests the latter?

    3. If subdomains, how could I enable the main logo on to click through to the root

    Many thanks!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) Just added an apply_filters wrapper to the tweet text for the next update, so that we can provide you a function to remove the “RT” text.

    2) Hmm.. Not at the moment, although I like the idea of possibly having this as an option. I’ll add it to the wishlist. For now you would need a different Cardinal site for each colour scheme.

    3) Just added an apply_filters wrapper to the logo link, so that you can override this in your child theme to be whatever you like. This will be in the next update, and I can explain how to use it if you need.

    If you would like me to send this build over sooner, just let me know.


    – Ed

    Post count: 28

    Many thanks for the quick response here, that’s perfect. Not 100% sure what “apply-filters wrapper” refers to, or how this might be adjusted. Will get in touch if I can’t figure it out. Look forward to next release in due course. Feel free to close this ticket in the meantime. Cheers!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Here is what you’ll add for removing the RT text when you update:

    function custom_remove_RT($tweet_text) {
    $tweet_text = str_replace('RT ', '', $tweet_text);    
    return $tweet_text;
    add_filter( 'sf_tweet_text', 'custom_remove_RT' );

    and for the logo link:

    function custom_logo_link() {
    return '';
    add_filter( 'sf_logo_link_url', 'custom_logo_link' );

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

    Post count: 28

    Ed, have just updated theme, and would be really grateful for a bit more guidance on the following:

    1. Not sure where/how to implement the above code for RT text and logo redirect.

    2. Does the update now enable tweets in social grid to link directly to links in the tweet as per earlier correspondence?

    3. For the minimal and bold style Twitter Social Grid, there is a Twitter icon in the bottom left. I have tried every possible combination, and can’t for life of me figure which variable changes the colour of the circle surrounding the Twitter bird.

    Many thanks once more.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) You would add this into a child theme – there is one included in the main download for you to use.

    2) Yes it does.

    3) It uses the bold post colours set in Color Customizer > Color – Shortcodes. The colours alternate with the default/hover colours.

    – Ed

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