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  • #218792
    Post count: 4
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    With that widget the only css I can remind is hide it by using the position of the link, what will be confuse to manage if new categories are added and if you want to show more categories.

    Maybe it’s easier for you to use a Text widget and place directly the links to the categories you want to show at a certain moment. Guess it will be easier for you to manage.

    Other option that reminded just now is to display a menu in one widget, than you just have to manage the menu and add more product category links.


    Post count: 4

    Hi Rui,

    Thanks for the advice. I ended up just toggling the products I wanted to “hidden” using the bulk edit, and it did the trick. Now the empty categories are gone and only the one category remains.

    Thanks again or the responses!

    – L

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Glad I could help.


Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

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