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  • #56677
    Post count: 18

    (1) hello I would like to remove the title “related products”, try as if he were h4 but modifies other items. On the product page has no editing, where I could do this?

    (2) would also like to know if there is how to display the button to bookmark somewhere else? eg create a field for it in the layout of my page.

    (3) As I hid description / comments on the session that is to the right side because it would appear Additional information is to display only comments elsewhere? at the end of such products page?


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    remove the related title with this custom css

    .related.products h4.lined-heading {
    display: none;

    2/3 is possible if you modify the php code according to your liking. Please hire a developer of your trust if you are unsure how to do that.


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