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  • #30240
    Post count: 1

    Hi there, 1) when creating a product and adding an image of say -1128?×?2000 Pixels – it does not show on the product page. and when i set the image to 540?×?720 at 72 Dpi the image appear on the product page. any idea why?

    2) When loading a home page, Images of large size load at full dimension within the set 540?×?720 box area and not the actual thumbnail of large image. it looks like that the theme is not creating a thumbnail of imported product images.

    Note: i have tried the regenerate thumbnail plugin but no results.

    3) Do you have your own list of plugins that you believe conflict with the theme

    4) what is the recommended theme and WordPress versions. any reported conflicts with WP Super Cache for example.

    5) if i am logged in as shop admin and try to add a product to a wishlist by clicking on the star button, nothing happens. i have also tried to login as a customer also nothing happens, i found a temp solution here: Solution was here:
    On line 221 in file class.yith-wcwl-init.php, remove the commenting

    That is, change it from //$this->_yith_wcwl_install->init(); to $this->_yith_wcwl_install->init();

    and it worked, but still is this solution correct?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll ask another support team member to check that out! Thanks for the patience!

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. It will resized to that size. (the size you gave on Woocommerce -> Settings -> Catalog)
    2. Could you show us the website URL? Make sure you have the latest theme version.
    3. No, We don’t have those.
    4. No.
    5. It is a third party plugin, so hopefully if that solution is worked means, that is nice. You can also report that issue to that plugin author.

    Let me know, what you got.


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