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  • #37842
    Post count: 13

    Hi, I have a shop located here and I have begun importing affiliate feeds.

    I’ve set up a number of categories and sub categories and have added the parents on the top nav.

    When I add category sub navigation I am getting the complete list of categories and not the children of the parent category. Any ideas?

    I’ve also added a few custom fields which I would like to show on the refine by option. Brand, and Colour. Could you please tell me how to show these and allow the visitor to refine by these?

    And finally, when using the search option I have set this up as masonry without and sidebars, how can I change the number of product appearing on each page?



    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. Make sure in Woocommerce -> Settings -> Cataglog -> Show page displays and default category to be like this choose show subcategories in the select box.
    2. You can use the “WooCommerce Layered Nav Filters” widget in Appearance -> Widgtes.
    3. You can alter that in Settings -> Readings -> Blog pages show at most =

    Also update the theme to the latest version for bug fixes and new features.

    Thanks for your co-operation and patience over this period when we spend holidays, we wish that you too had a great holiday. 🙂


    Post count: 13

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. I updated the settings as you suggested but unfortunately it has affected my website.

    It adds categories to the product pages instead of showing products. I want a top level category showing different refine by options.

    I added the WooCommerce Layered Nav Filters and it still doesn’t show ‘Brand’, ‘Colour’ etc. Would you be able to look at it further for me?



    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Jamie,

    With that widget, you need to add the WooCommerce Layered Nav widget too, as that adds the options to show the filters.

    As far as I’m aware, there isn’t a way with the standard WooCommerce widgets to have only child category items show for the category page. There may be premium or other extensions that you can add for this functionality.

    – Ed

    Post count: 13

    Hi Ed,

    thanks for the reply. I managed to fix the problem showing brands, categories etc –

    I’m just now waiting on some feedback on category mapping and then the site will be good to go. thanks for your help with things.

    Happy to close this ticket



    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


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