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  • #30605
    Post count: 5

    Hi there, when i click the the wc ‘quickview eye button’, the box opens but no info loads and the page hangs with a square/spinning circle, am i missing something?

    i’ve added info to the short description/cleared the cache etc and followed the instructions in previous help topics concerning woocommerce quickview where it seem to work fine yet for me no luck..

    i’ve attached a pic of what happens, any help would be appreciated, best liz

    Post count: 5

    Hi there, just wondering if any support people have a had a chance to look at this? best Liz

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, what exactly is the quickview button supposed to do? Maybe you want to contact the support team of WooCommerce as they developed it?

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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