Hello there,
I’ve installed the demo content, and I have a few questions.
Please pardon me in advance as I am a joomla gal, and this is my first serious foray into wordpress.
After installing the demo content xml and txt file, is my site supposed to look exactly like the demo on themeforest? It showed as installing fine, with no error messages.
I had to make a tweak to the features section of the menu to get it to work. I don’t know if that was due to the install, but it was dead.
On the contact page, I have the stay in touch area, but no social icons. What do I need to do to get them?
In the page headers some are gray and some are white. I notice on your demo it looks like an image.
I see the general change, but its showing as f7f7f7 default but not all are that. Where can I install an image to that area, and get a uniform color?
No sidebars came through in the install. Should there have been?
In the breadcrumbs it say the site title vs home, and I can’t seem to find where to change that. I’ve looked in the plugin I believe corresponds to it, but not sure what to change, if that is the correct area.
Should something have imported in the footer areas?
And a general question, I was thinking if I changed the accent color, it would change the elements that matched the theme color. It only changed buttons. Is there a one step change for the icons and boxes etc, or is it one element at a time?