New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Joyn questions about the menu

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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #111002
    Post count: 23


    I’m the first one)!
    I bought an Neighborhood theme on September 4. Yesterday I saw a new theme and immediately bought it.
    Great job! A good theme !
    1) why my iPad mini overlay menu is not displayed, please take a look :)!
    2) Where can I see the application of its menu, such as: upper menu, footer menu ?
    3) bad question:
    question about the concept of the menu.
    how better?
    I want advice.
    At first thought, when I was working with a Neighborhood theme to make the menu as follows:
    main menu – basic questions (about us, how to order, delivery of goods, the blog)
    under the menu – the product itself (the type of goods №1, type of product №2 etc.)

    example :
    I know how to do it undermenu:
    a) add in CSS for #header-section – border-bottom: 45px solid #BCEEFA;
    b) register_nav_menu…
    c) add undermenu – wp_nav_menu…
    d) and set using CSS (position: absolute …)
    this is a good way to concept of the menu? (with under menu)
    question relates more to the design (sorry, you can not to answer)
    site will sell/shop.

    what do you think?
    how it is better?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Thank you @spbsmile !

    1/2) Go To Appearance > Menus, you will need to set the menu there. See the docs for details:
    3) I think you’ve got it spot on. Set up the menu and then ask us again if you aren’t sure!

    Your example looks to work well!

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

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