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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #148274
    Post count: 10

    One question: can i place accordion inside a modal?? I cant get it working.

    [sf_modal header=”TITLE” btn_colour=”transparent-dark” btn_type=”sf-icon-reveal” btn_size=”large” btn_icon=”fa-list” btn_text=”TITLE”]

    spb_accordion width=”1/1” el_position=”first last” [spb_text_block animation=”none” animation_delay=”0” padding_vertical=”0” padding_horizontal=”0” width=”1/1” el_position=”first last”]

    This is a text block. Click the edit button to change this text.

    /spb_text_block spb_accordion_tab title=”TEXT2” accordion_id=”TEXT2” icon=”“

    This is a text block. Click the edit button to change this text.

    /spb_text_block [/spb_accordion]



    Where do i change the icon-reveal button colors?

    – Hoover text background color?

    – Hoover icon background color?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Looks like you’re missing a few opening and closing tags on your shortcodes

    For the buttons, you can select which color you want to use from the list of presets, or you can use the accent color, which you edit in the Color Customiser

    – Kyle

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It’s not prepared to work inside a modal as default and requires a considerable css customization.

    In the color customizer check the options inside Color – shortcodes.


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