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got it, i would never have reasied that, as the demo info was in, and therefore, left everything as the demo content downloaded…
thanks ๐
Great. Glad it’s sorted. -Rui
hi, quick question, is there any way to make it 3 portfolio pieces across instead of 4??
i have 9 thats all and would fit perfectly.
don;t worry, found it: return windowWidth >= 380 && windowWidth < 480 ? itemColumns = 2 : windowWidth >= 480 && windowWidth < 768 ? itemColumns = 2 : windowWidth >= 768 && windowWidth < 1160 ? itemColumns = 3 : windowWidth >= 1160 && windowWidth < 1640 ? itemColumns = 3 : windowWidth >= 1640 && windowWidth < 2100 ? itemColumns = 4 : windowWidth >= 2100 && (itemColumns = 6), itemColumns;
thanks agian ๐
Hi, I am glad that you managed to resolve the issues. Thanks Mohammad
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