New Landing How can we help? Atelier Products Asset – ID Order

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #205562
    Post count: 43

    Is there a way to display a group of selected products in a specific order that you choose in the Products Page Builder Asset?

    I am building a special page to highlight certain products. I have chosen to display those “selected products” and listed their product IDs in the order that I would like them to appear with a “Standard” display type. Yet regardless of whether I choose to order them by default or ID, the products are listed in the chronological order of the IDs, not the order I specified in my comma delimited ID list.

    If it helps, the products are all from a specific category which is sorted in a custom order. I have my WooCommerce Default Product Sorting setting as Default (custom ordering + name). When I view the category in my shop, the products appear in the order that I wish. I’ve selected that same order in the page builder asset for the page I’m trying to build, but they don’t appear in my preferred order there. Is there a way to fix this?

    This is a development site that is not yet online, so I can’t point you to a URL or give you admin access.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It would be great if you somehow get that installation online, without will be difficult to figure it out.
    Is it possible?


    Post count: 43

    It’s a brand new site and it won’t be ready to be launched for a few weeks. In the meantime, can you tell me if what I’d like to do is even possible, that is, to put a list of product IDs in the product display asset and have those products appear on a page in the order that they’ve been listed (instead of chronologically by ID number)?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    If you already tried this configuration in the image below is just a question of sorting the order.

    Will replicate this in my server to check what’s wrong.


    Post count: 43

    Hi Rui,

    Here’s a shot of my product settings. I’ve listed the products in the specific order in which I’d like them to appear, yet when the asset is rendered on the page the products are sorted in chronological order by product ID instead.

    Does the same thing happen to you?


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Ken,

    This would not be possible, you could use “Order by” => “ID” which would be closer to what you need.

    You could try setting these as Featured Products and then order them by their product ID but this would not be exactly like you require.

    I’ll pass this feedback back to the team and see if it is something we can add going forward.


    Post count: 43

    Thanks David. I found that choosing order by ID still listed the products in chronological ID order.

    I will see if I can fiddle with the product entry dates to see if I can do a date sort to get what I want.

    I do hope you’ll pass this on to the development team. It would be great to be able to specify an exact preferred order for products in Product Asset!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Sure, I’ll pass this back.

    This plugin will help you re-order your products:


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