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  • #72265
    Post count: 39

    Is there a setting I am missing that keeps WooCommerce from randomly selecting an image that uses the same attribute?

    For instance.. I have 3 products loaded into our store. I have all their product variations set up… The attributes I have entered into the system are shared by all of the products as it should be fine and what they are meant to do…

    My issue is when I click on a product in the shop page I am taken to that correct product page and it looks like the correct product image is going to show because I can see it screened back with a loader working on top of it… Then POOF another product image loads in that is NOT for this product… So that got me thinking.. If they are all in the Wallet category, is there some sort of use random category image setting I am missing?

    This should be easy peasy.. straight forward shop setup.. But I am finding woocommerce far more tedious than BC or Volusion has been on other shops I set up. Things are not doing what they obviously should be doing it seems.

    Post count: 39

    Also I wanted to clarify.. The variations I set up under each product should load that default Selections image that I specify for that attribute…

    But it is not. It looks like it is there then another loads over it. I dont even have this attribute specified for another product yet it is loading the wrong product image…

    Post count: 39

    ok, I may be narrowing it down some… If I remove my 3 products from the wallets category I am seeing the correct product image every time… It has to be something with a setting for categories…

    Post count: 39

    Here is the issue in screen captures..

    This shows the initial CORRECT product Variation image showing in the background with something loading.

    This screen shows you that not only did it load in another product OVER the right one but that it also loaded the thumbnails that are set for that Variation in which that product is set for ( the product whos variation showed up here ).

    This does not happen at all if I do not assign the products to a category… I have tried all of the settings I could locate and nothing seems to work. If a support admin reads this please shoot me and email so I can give you access to this account.. I am hoping you can see the issue right away.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You may want to get support from WooCommerce as they know the plugin better than we do:

    – Kyle

    Post count: 39

    The first thing that they told me to do was test the same issue on the 2012 theme. Issue was not there on 2012. That means one thing… The issue is with Neighborhood. So I believe I now need to find another theme because I am on a tight deadline and this was a really big issue.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok it would help me solve the issue if you could provide me with a link and login so that I can test the issue for myself

    – Kyle

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