New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Product variations probem

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #224638
    Post count: 12

    I have a major problem with product variations that your themes don’t seem to like very much.

    I noticed that all your demo shops have no products with variations and they should. Shoes, shirts, jackets, in fact most products need attributes like color, size, material and so on.

    When using product variations the product page will present options in a drop-down list. When choosing an attribute in the drop down list woocommerce will change image to the responding attribute. So far so good.

    But when changing image the drop-down list will not change and the previous attributes with the wrong SKU number will remain on the page. This is a major problem for one of my customers since they have retailers that have made faulty orders because of this.

    In woocommerce themes there is no image rotation and the only way to change the images is by the drop-down list.

    In Cardinal and all your themes this is a major problem. When changing the image, the product attributes should also change in order to avoid misstakes. I cant find a way to stop the possibility to select images either.

    Other than that I think your themes are great, I’d like to ad.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to solve this?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    We have products with variations in our demos, just an example.

    Achilles Low

    We have no situation reported concerning the variations.

    The Dropdowns don’t change when the image it’s clicked, that’s the way it works in our themes and guess in the majority of the themes because there is a change that doesn’t exist images to all the variations.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    We have products with variations in our demos, just an example.

    Achilles Low

    We have no situation reported concerning the variations.

    The Dropdowns don’t change when the image it’s clicked, that’s the way it works in our themes and guess in the majority of the themes because there is a change that doesn’t exist images to all the variations.


    Post count: 12


    I suspected so.

    The simple solution to my problem is then to remove images from Image Gallery and only keep them in the links to product variations. That way there can be no misstakes.

    But wouldn’t it be cool if it was possible to change product variations by clicking on the images though?

    Thank you for answering so quickly.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Thanks Rui and thanks @Sluggo57 for the feedback.


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