….OHHHH…I believe it’s working! It must be something with my ip address or something because I do empty cache manually and restart the browser every time. I friggin deinstalled my browsers even.
Site much faster now though! ๐
It was Jet Pack messing things up with related posts. BAD and sneaky plugin collection! Gah! Sorry for putting that on your great theme. You taught me how to check what it was in your Firebug-image, though.
Now, the only issue is that rev slider on blog feed page: http://monroedesign.se/grafisk-design-uppat-vaggarna-blogg/. It gets huge on mobile and still tiny on individual posts: http://monroedesign.se/skyltfonsterdekor-pa-dm-retro-i-stockholm/.
Would it help to redo that slider from scratch?
It’s 5 am…again here. I’m going to bed now and I’ll try to fix that slider when I wake up.
THANK YOU so much Ed, for all help with this tonight. I was burning up. Even crying actually. But I didn’t give up! Thank you for being there when I needed it the most. I really do appreciate you and the others in the support team. I know I’m a real pain in the but for y’all.
Over and out….for some hours;)