The Tabs will include
Product Information and Pricing
Configuration(same on most pages)
Fabric Selection (same on most pages)
Product Enquiry Form (Gravity Forms)
Possibly more custom Tabs
As you can see 3 of the Tabs are the same information so it would of been great just to have this coded in so the client did not have to set this up on every single product.
I have set there first few up using the TAB method and will do so but dont think this is the best method and think WooCommerce original Tabs still need to be incorporated in the theme.
Note if I keep using the page builder I also run into 2 more problems with TABS, can you please tell me where and how to fix these.
Please see file attached.
1. TABS IFRAME is so small and just about impossible to use, we need to make this bigger.
2. I want it so it shows the same functions as what my normal wordpress editor uses, eg being able to use Forms button etc that site there from Gravity Forms plugin. Where can I add this into code, or can we just have it showing the same as WordPress Editor