New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Product Slider navigation does not work but controls slider beneath

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  • #106426
    Post count: 93


    For the first product slider (latest products) on my home page does not navigate when you press on the navigation arrows either left or right. However it controls the 2nd product slider below it.

    The 2nd product slider (Featured) works correctly if you navigate but if I add a 3rd product slider to the page e.g. Best Sellers then only one on the main page works. Not the other two.

    I have spent a long time trying to solve this. Disabled all plugins but problem still there. What is the fix please ?

    Post count: 93
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    As you already have a topic open with Mohammad dealing with it: I will close this one

    In future please open only one thread per issue

    – Kyle

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