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  • #285776
    Post count: 1


    I downloaded you Template pages and I want to fill the products on my ecommerce site.
    But I don’t understand the way the product page is build and can’t get the same result as in your demo.

    The product main image is not displayed but only the description and attributes. Whit mouseover on the empty area, it recognizes the image below but doesn’t display it.
    Then on the page there is a lot of other empty areas, the place for “linked products” or even a slider. But I don’t see where to define those in the product page swift builder.
    Could you help me on this, I would would like to understand the way it works and have the same display you have on your demo.

    Thnak you very much

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Have you taken a look at the docs:

    Here are the full instructions from WooCommerce:

    From looking at URL, it seems your theme version is not the latest. Please confirm your version is: 3.4.20


    Post count: 1


    I confirm the neighborhood version is 3.4.20.
    I think all is up to date except for the 2 woocommerce templates:

    neighborhood/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php version 2.0.14 est obsolète. La version du coeur est 2.6.3,
    neighborhood/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php version 2.3.0 est obsolète. La version du coeur est 2.6.3,

    I have read the documentation but I am unable to update them.
    In the Template list (, the php file content is smaller than the existing Template. So if I just replace the file, it is not working at all. Do I have to insert the update in the existing file? If yes without any knowledge of php it seems a bit difficult.

    I that the way? Thank you for your support.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Christine,

    1) Can you disable all plugins so only WooCommerce & Swift Framework are active.

    Let me know when this is done.

    – David.

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