New Landing How can we help? Atelier Product Page, Categories and Demo language menu

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #178980
    Post count: 56

    Hi guys!

    So, I’m almost finishing setting up my website… However, a couple of dumb questions that I just can’t get through (probably too tired to think):

    – How to remove categories of the products showing on the product page and bellow the name of the product on the shop page?
    – My shop products thumbnails are showing up as a square, but I want them to be rectangular, as your demo (tried to switch that on woocommerce settings, doesn’t work, maybe I’m missing the right place…)
    – Disable the “related products” on each product page
    – How to erase de Language demo menu on the Account icon?
    – Also, the description and additional information section of each product page used to be at the bottom of the page, after the sbn sections. Now is at the beggining, after updating the theme. How can I revert this and put it at the end of the page as it was before?

    Thank you tons!


    Post count: 56

    Guys, there’s another issue that I can’t solve.. The product images displaying are all different but the real size is equal between them. Any thoughs? Also, with the new update, the description and addition info are at the right place now. It’s only missing the other things:

    – Remove the demo language on the account icon as seen on attachment;
    – Remove the categorias below the products as seen bellow;
    – Put the shop images in the same size as your demo (rectangular);
    – Disable the related products on each product page (“get to know these ones too”) as showed bellow.

    Thank you.


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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) Add this custom css to the theme options panel:

    .products .product .product-details .posted_in, .product_meta>span.posted_in {
    display: none;

    2) Once you’ve changed the settings, you need to use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin – it says this above the options where you set the size. All images will then need to be at least this size, else you will have uneven product sizes.

    3) Add this css:

    .product-related-wrap {
    display: none;

    4) Go to Theme Options > Header Options, and disable the aux language switcher option.

    5) Updated to v1.3 – there is now an option in Theme Options > WooCommerce Options > Product Options to choose where to display this.

    – Ed

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