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  • #35124
    Post count: 174


    First of all: my compliments on the beautiful theme.

    My issue: I made a product using attributes to display detailed information. Left the text editor blank. It shows the attributes in a tab (Extra information). Now I saw a lot of space not being used under the images. I wanted to add some information there.

    So I made another product, used attributes and put some information in the text editor. The text shows up under the images. Great.
    I also added some text in the short decription, to display above the attributes. That text shows without whitespace. How can I use whitespace (enter)?

    Also: there seems to be opening another tab: Beschrijving. This one is active, but is this the information that is displayed under the images? Is it possible to make the Extra Informatie tab active as you open the product page? And furthermore: the text under the images gets pushed down, When the tab Exta information is actually the active one. I would like this text to stay under the images.

    So I would like to show ALL information, at once. Without use of the tab Beschrijving.

    What did I do wrong? Or is there a better way to display the product information?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    1 you cannot add information there without modifying the php code first

    2 you can try using

    3 You cannot do that without modifying the code I’m afraid.


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