Hi David,
Thank you for your help! This is my previous topic. Don’t know why my reply haven’t shown. Sorry if I repeat the message.
Some issues on the productpage and the menu bar
Image 1
1) Don’t know why it got a white bar on the top of the mobile version.
Image 2
2) As mentioned before, space between menu and logo are not even. The bug may came from the menu coz the logo is center now.
3) The product title still not centered yet….
4) May I know how to change the color of “10 in stock” text in code?
5) Is it possible to center the social icon and remove the “Share” text
One more thing, when I upload image to my site, I got HTTP ERROR and I am hosted by godaay.
When I switched to other theme, it works fine. Do you have any idea?
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