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  • #95032
    Post count: 21

    Hi Guys,

    We’re almost ready to go live with the site.

    1. One of the issues we’re having is the look of the product (not sure if catalog or thumbnail) images on the shop.

    Some of the images on show the whole product but some images are cropping off quite a bit of the image and the client is unhappy to go live like this. I’ve attached a screen shot.

    WooCommerce is set up like this:

    Product Image Sizes

    Catalog Images – 540 x 720
    Single Product Image – 540 x 720
    Product Thumbnails – 120 x 178

    All with hard crop enabled.

    Most of the images are very large 2000 px plus and I tried making them 1080 in width but to no avail. I also regenerated the thumbnails are but still no change.

    What size should I be uploading images as or setting the above settings to so this somewhat random cropping doesn’t keep happening?

    2. Also would you be able to tell me how to enable tumblr to be on the share icon on the single product page. I’ve attached a screen shot.

    Assistance would be much appreciated.

    Thanks Selina

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The WooCommerce image size settings are only for the quality of the image, due to the themes hover effect we had to overwrite the actual size of the images on the front end using JS. The theme works out the size of your first product’s image, then applies to the rest of your images. If your first product has a taller image than your other products then you will see this issue

    – Kyle

    Post count: 21

    Thanks for the reply Kyle,

    Is there a solution to this as we now have around 130 products uploaded and I don’t. Do I need to re-upload all the images again?

    Any suggestions would be great as they really need to go live as soon as possible.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    You would need to change the date of one of your products that you are happy with the image size, so that it’s the first product and applies that size to the rest of your images

    – Kyle

    Post count: 21

    Hi Kyle,

    Changing the dates didn’t work.

    But I resolved by uploading the images at 2160 x 2880 pixels and they show perfectly in catalog & single product view.

    Any resolution for point 2?

    2. Also would you be able to tell me how to enable tumblr to be on the share icon on the single product page.

    Thanks Selina

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    You would need to edit /includes/swift-framework/sf-woocommerce.php , you can find the function on line 331: “sf_product_share()”.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 14
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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    If most of your images are 700×700, thats a 1:1 ratio, so how come you’re using 540×720 in the image settings?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 14

    I tried changing the catalog and single product image to 700 X 700 but it didn’t make a difference. I played around with larger and smaller sizes.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Did you regenerate thumbnails?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 14

    yes, it changed the photo but it made it look like the photo is shorter than the other with a large space between the image and the price. I am attaching the image.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    You will experience this issue if your product images are not all the same size

    – Kyle

    Post count: 14

    Why is there a space? If my settings are for 700 X 700 and I regenerate the photo. The image on the left is the regenerated one and the one on the right is not. If I have a few that are smaller and I can’t enlarge them, what can I do?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Have you got a link that I can check?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 14

    I just waited a bit longer and regenerated all of them again and it finally changed! Now there is no space. Thanks for your help. I am a novice at this but I do love the theme.


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