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  • #318828
    Post count: 5

    I’ve been looking for hours for a way to change the product description font-color

    Also I would like to personalize the font of the product categories titles like, description, help, etc.

    Final question, sometimes when I make changes in the dashboard, they won’t appear on the website even though I clear the browser cash and the wp cash, can you help me with this please

    Thank you very much in advance


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Bouchra,

    You need to post in the correct forum next time. The theme forum, for the theme you have purchased.

    The supplied login details are not working, can you check those and update?

    Post count: 5

    Dear David,

    I followed the link on the email I received after purchasing the theme. So I don’t understand why my question wasn’t posted on the correct forum

    Anyway, here are the login details for the website

    Admin website:
    username : chloris
    Password: chlorisBK00!

    Also I would like to know how to change the font size, color and weight on the checkout page. The color is so light it’s hardly readable

    Thank you in advance,


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Do you mean this text:

    Use this:

    #product-display-area {


    Help / Feedback font:

    span.leave-feedback {

    Categories / Tags:

    .single-product span.posted_in, 
    .single-product span.tagged_as {

    3) I’m not sure what text you specifically want to change, but generally this will do it:

    body.woocommerce-checkout * {
        font-weight: bold !important;

    It would be better to use a better font for usability purposes.

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