New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Product Category filtering

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #291707
    Post count: 7


    My client will be adding their own products and categories to their own site soon but I need to set up a product category page that will auto-fill for them – so we don;t have to keep manually adding categories to a specific page.

    For example, I would like to be able to :

    1. Click ‘Shop’ in the menu
    2. A Parent category list is shown (similar to – but not necessarily designed like that). This is autmatically populated when my client adds their own parent category.
    3. We click a parent category, and the sub category is shown in a similar style. Eg. They click ‘Garden equipment’ and then ‘Wheelbarrows’, ‘Tools’, ‘clothing’ etc is shown. Again, all auto generated when the client adds them.
    4. Click one of those and the products are shown in that sub category.

    I’ve tried to create these pages using the ‘products’ page builder element, but it’s not giving the desired effect. Is there something I’m missing and could you direct me to a way I can set these up (plugins/documentation etc)?

    The site isn’t live yet, but can be accessed once logged in.

    Hope you can help

    Many thanks!

    Post count: 7

    Hello. I think I answered my own question in the Woocommerce > Products > Display settings, so now I have my categories/sub categories appearing as planned.

    Based on this, please could you advise what pages I should be amending to alter the layout (eg, using three columns instead of two, and realigning the hover states?)

    Thank you!

    Post count: 7

    Oh dear, I seem to be wasting your time – as I’ve found these settings in the Theme Options. Very sorry about that.

    One more thing, however… the product category / sub category pages seem to be displaying a bit oddly – please see the attached image. The width of the image seems correct, but the width of the hover state/category name is set to be full width. Please could you advise where I go to tidy the CSS up for this?

    Many thanks (again!)

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-

    .woocommerce ul.products .product-category .product-cat-info{
    width:91% !important;


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