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  • #159101
    Post count: 42

    Hi there.

    I am having a huge problem with the sidebars not displaying like they do on the demo site, and also the sidebar on frontpage is a different width than on my category pages.

    1) When I use WooCommerce widget area for my menu, it doesn’t show at all, I then use Sidebar 1 – am I using it wrong?

    2) I have the same sidebar (Sidebar 1) on my homepage and in my woo commerce page – however, on my homepage the width of the sidebar is wider than on the shop page, I don’t understand this 🙂

    3) I added an attribute filter through the widget area, but it shows very different from your demo site, the counter for each attribute is -under- the name of the attribute, instead of next to it.

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Sorry not sure what you mean? You set the woocommerce sidebar in Theme Options > Woocommerce Options

    2) Pages have a bigger sidebar than woocommerce pages due to the layout of the grid.

    3) Add this to your custom css:

    .woocommerce .widget_layered_nav ul li span.count {
        position: absolute;
        right: 0;
        top: 50%;
        margin-top: -9px;

    – Kyle

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