New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Problems With SEO

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #293520
    Post count: 3

    Hi there,

    I have used the Cardinal theme for two clients. And one of these clients took their site live last May and had a terrible time getting their site to index in search engines. They got an SEO pro to look into it, and he pointed the finger to template we used, saying there’s a lot of code that causes the search engines to not index it. They ended up doing some sort of work around creating a landing page that doesn’t use the template to finally get the site to index. I am no longer admin-ing the site so I can’t give you access to the admin panel

    My concern now lies with my other client who also used the Cardinal theme. He is putting the finishing touches to his site and hopes to go live soon. Is SEO a problem with the Cardinal theme? And is it AMP-friendly? Are there any specific tips you can share to optimize SEO for the Cardinal?

    Thank you!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    there’s a lot of code that causes the search engines to not index it

    – could you be specific, I do not see any code that would block a Search Engine spider from crawling and indexing the site.

    – A plugin or WordPress option such as Settings => Search Engine Visibility => Discourage search engines from indexing this site could in theory be added to cause this.

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