New Landing How can we help? Atelier problems with child theme

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #214473
    Post count: 22


    We have atlelier theme installed on a test server. Through use of a child theme we have altered some of the CSS and additionally have added some custom web fonts.
    The problem we are experiencing is that the home-page does nog enqeue the stylesheet from the child theme. Other pages as well as the woo commerce shop enqeue the stylesheet from the child-theme correctly.
    When logged into the backend as administrator the homepage in turn does enqeue the child theme. We have extensively searched the support forum as well as tested on a local server (through MAMP) but we seem to be unable to find what causes this problem.

    Pls Help?

    Thx Ellis

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I cannot access your site: “Service Temporarily Unavailable”.

    Can you zip up your child theme and provide a download link for it? We can test it and help you faster.

    – David.

    Post count: 22
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834
    Post count: 22
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The only thing that I found is this warning in the javascript console, and it’s related to your custom font.

    Do you see any specific problem caused by this? Can you send some screenhsots?


    Post count: 22

    On behalve on Ellis from “rebel in the house” I will try to explain the problem we are experiencing with the Atelier template. I am helping Ellis getting the website online.
    Unfortunately I have no experience with the redux framework, so I am hoping you can help me.
    The problem is simple to explain: The child theme only works (e.g. The child-theme css file is being enqeued ) in the webshop and throughout the rest of the website the child theme’s css is only enqeued when the visitor is logged in. I can only deduct this is due to the redux framework
    I cannot reproduce The javascript error with firebug as you explain. In the screenshots you can see in the HTML that the CSS is not listed when a guest visitor visits the website on



    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi Rens,

    I checked the site without being logged in and it displays just fine.
    The Reduxframework don’t interfere with the enqueue of the child theme style.css

    I tried in Chrome and Firefox, try to clear the browser cache and try in different browsers.


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