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  • #113316
    Post count: 11

    I can’t upload images anymore.
    Everytime I try to upload an image on “Media” library, it seems like the system hangs up. So I stop the uploading and if I check if something has been uploaded, I see that there are hundreds of “broken” images (see attachment).
    I’ve deleted them and tried to upload several times, but I have always the same problem.
    Can someone help me please? Thank you

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you disable all the plugins and check if you can upload images with all plugins disabled.
    If it works, you will have to activate the plugins and testing the upload until finding the problematic plugin.

    Do you have any specific error in the Server logs?


    Post count: 11

    Yes, you’re right Rui.
    I disabled all the plugins and I was able to upload an image. Now I’ll activate one at time and I’ll se which is the problematic one.
    Thank you very much!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Glad I could help.

    Post count: 26

    I have the same issue.
    WIth clean install of WP > No problem
    After I installed Dante and installed plugins suggested by the theme, this issue occurs.
    I deactivated all plugins then it works.
    I deactivated one by one but i was not able to figure out which one was causing this problem because after disabling one plugin it worked and after a while is started not to work.
    Which plugin can cause it, you are supposed to have more experince about it.

    WP: 4.0
    Installed Plugins: see attachment


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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    This is not a theme issue, we only support theme issues. You said ‘you are supposed to have more experince about it.’ If there is a plugin causing an issue with uploading images then that has nothing to do with the theme

    You said you deactivated your plugins and it worked again, so just activate one by on until the issue comes back, then you know which plugin will be the culprit. To me, if they’re the only plugins you have installed, it might be the Nextgen Facebook plugin, the others are pretty standard

    – KYle

    Post count: 26

    Thanks Kyle –
    Since you recommend some plugins and since some of them are a part of your theme (without them, your theme is not as it is shown on demo)
    I would like to submit my problem here.
    My idea is that you may have experineced with similar problem and can help me quickly.

    I will disable them again one by one and see what happens.
    I think it happens as something tries to crop/modify images.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    The one’s that come with the theme wont be causing the issue as I don’t get the issue on my installation.

    No problem

    – Kyle

    Post count: 41

    Hi nisbo,

    I have the same issues. Where you able to figure out what the problem is?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    It was a plugin issue, not sure which one. Try deactivating your plugins

    – Kyle

    Post count: 41
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    It’s uploaded 100’s of times? Can you try with twentyfourteen enabled. Doesn’t sound like a theme issue

    – Kyle

    Post count: 26

    Hi, my issue is resolved.
    it was about “rights” by hosting.
    There are 2 solutions:
    1- chmod upload directory to 777
    2- add following to .htaccess file to enable cgi to let php-user to manage all staff.
    (The description with cgi is not may be %100 true but i do not have deeper knowledge to describe it better at the moment.)
    Add following line to .htaccess file or create one if does not exists whic is located in your wordpress folder.

    AddHandler php53-cgi .php

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Glad it’s sorted.

    Post count: 41
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