New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Problems to wiew section

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #302462
    Post count: 219

    I have problems to wiew pictures in one row here.
    In the blue border there is tree pictures but now i only see blue border.
    Settings in row and boxes in row is set to Global wiew.
    Why cant i see this?

    I have same layout on swedish site on this site and there i see pictures.
    Same settings in swedish site.

    I have not update to latest swift framewok and theme.
    I dont care because i have so many problems with other sites i update
    and this site is soo big for me to have time to fix problems after update.

    I don´t now what to do…

    Hope someone can help me?

    Here is site whit problems:


    I have same settings here and it works:


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I see this images, is that what you refer to:

    Please update both the SF plugin and core theme version as soon as you can.

    Post count: 219

    Hi David.
    Yes i fix it this morning 🙂
    I take section from swedish page and adjust language and links.

    I dont know if i care to update.
    This site is soo big with many pages and i have soo big problems with other sites i update.
    I don´t have time now to adjust after update.
    I don´t know what to do….


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    The best thing to do is create a staging site, then do the updates there for testing.

    Post count: 219

    But can i take a copy of site and put in another folder on server?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    you need to create a subdomain then install WordPress there and use a plugin like WordPress Duplicator to duplicate it from one domain to the new staging subdomain.

    Hope it helps.


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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