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  • #43490
    Post count: 76

    Hello, good morning,
    I am having problems with the translation of my website, The Forum WPML is trying to solve, but asks me some questions I can not answer them. The forum is in Spanish, but I try to translate.

    The problem I have when I change the (Spanish <-> English) On display at the top of the page, the [woocommerce_cart]
    Both languages ​​are still seeing the drop down of the shopping bag only in Spanish. Attached screens in the forum.
    Forum moderator asks me where is the drop down in the shopping bag?
    You could help me.
    Thank you.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Please ensure that you have the correct currency/country codes set in the WooCommerce settings, as this is key to it working correctly with each different language.

    – Ed

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