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  • #135070
    Post count: 36

    Here there are two issue. Please see the screenshot attached.

    1. The instant search results have problem with css. Please suggest custom css so that the product name is visible.

    2. The search results are not what is expected. How are search results processed – the search results currently don’t seem to be on attributes or category.

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding 1 the color of the text is white, that’s why you can’t see it

    Add the code below to your custom css option and adjust the color to the desired one

    .ajax-search-results a{

    2- Didn’t understand what you mean by attributes and category. can you explain further?


    Post count: 36

    By attributes and category, I meant product attributes and product categories that are defined for every product in woocommerce. How does the weighing of different factors take place in search results and where can I modify it?

    Post count: 36

    Hey, and the instant search results css that you have given is also not working. It’s still white.

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. Try this Custom CSS.

    .search-item-content a { color: red; }

    if that didn’t work, try this.

    .search-item-content a { color: red !important; }

    2. We by default did the WordPress search, nothing fancy out there. If you want a custom search you can try something like this

    Let us know,


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